Energy Star for Builders

Navigating ENERGY STAR Version 3.1 & 3.2

ENERGY STAR Version 3.1 & 3.2 may seem overwhelming for builders, with requirements like 2x6 construction, mechanical ventilation under ASHRAE 62.2-2010, and strict standards for windows and doors. The initial rollout left many trainers and raters struggling to understand the details.

Through our collaboration with the EPA, we've simplified the process and harnessed the full potential of Version 3 to work for you—not against you.

At its core, Version 3 is simply a tool to help you build homes that meet ENERGY STAR standards. With over 50 years of combined experience, we guide you through the process, ensuring compliance in the most cost-effective and energy-efficient way possible. No unnecessary extras, no confusion—just straightforward specifications tailored to your needs.

Streamlined Process for Builders:

  1. We model your project and upload it to our builder portal.
  2. You receive an email notification when it's ready.
  3. Log in to your portal to download all required documents, including:
    • Permitting paperwork
    • Thermal enclosure inspection report
    • Final documentation and your ENERGY STAR Certificate

Let us simplify ENERGY STAR compliance for you—efficient, cost-effective, and hassle-free.

Home Performance with Energy Star RESNET
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