RESNET Standards
As a nationally recognized standards making body, RESNET has adopted the Mortgage Industry National Home Energy Rating Standards as guidelines for setting the national procedures and standards for the quality of home energy rating services in the United States.
Who Recognizes the RESNET Standards?
The RESNET standards are recognized for:
- Accreditation of quality assurance providers, rater training providers and rating software tools
- Verification of energy savings for energy efficient mortgages (EEMs)
- Verification of a home's energy performance for EPA's ENERGY STAR Homes Program
- Performance option for energy code compliance in 16 states
- Verification of energy performance in state utility benefit program funded residential energy efficiency programs in 9 states

Why Choose a Certified RESNET Home Energy Auditor or Rater?
The national training and certification standards for HERS (Home Energy Rating System) Raters and Home Energy Survey Professionals were created by RESNET and are recognized by federal government agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the U.S. Mortgage Industry.
Certification doesn't come easy! Home energy professionals must complete the rigorous training required and agree to abide by the RESNET Code of Conduct. When you work with a RESNET member, you can enjoy peace of mind by knowing that you are protected by the following:
You will always receive an objective rating or audit from a certified RESNET Home Energy Auditor or Rater. All RESNET qualified auditors and raters have pledged to disclose any financial interest they may have in a house they are rating or auditing.
Ethical Standards
RESNET's purpose is to set the standard for quality of home energy audits and ratings, and has developed stringent industry standards to ensure the highest quality of service. All RESNET members are obligated to conduct energy audits and ratings in strict accordance with the RESNET Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics.
Technical Proficiency
Home energy auditors and raters that are RESNET certified are well trained and have demonstrated a high standard of technical proficiency. Furthermore, they are committed to maintaining and improving their knowledge and skills through continuing education.
Complaint Resolution Process
RESNET has developed a complaint resolution process for consumers who believe that their auditor or rater has acted outside the RESNET Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics. When you work with a RESNET member, you have the confidence that RESNET is standing behind you.